Currently, the fourth Season of My hero Academia is going on. Fans all around the world are enjoying the fourth installment of this awesome action pack anime. But a very few fans know about My Hero Academia Vigilantes. My Hero Academia Vigilantes? Well, It is a My Hero Academia – spin-off.

The recent arc of My Hero Academia Vigilantes tells us about the past of Aizawa. The ongoing arc of this series tells us about the mysterious past of Shota Aizawa. The arc is based on the time before he became an official hero. This arc shows us the series of events due to which became solo.

Aizawa's Past Spoilerguy

In Chapter 65 of the series. Aizawa can be seen trying to deal with the fact that his best friends have died. He soon decided to go solo and not to rely on a team. Shirakumo was his best friend. Shirakumo indeed was killed in a villain attack. Following his death, Aizawa lost his way of life. Even his teachers become worried about him. It was expected that he will pull off from the hero class. But he still throws himself completely into his hero classes, even more than before. Maybe in order to make up for the gaps left by Shirakumo’s absence.

Before the death of his friend. He was planning to open an agency alongside his friends – Shirakumo, Present Mic, and Midnight. But Shirakumo’s death made him a loner. He focuses purely on improving his combat skills. All he wanted was to defeat villains and he decided to give his all with fighting going forward. All these events made him what he is today – an independent, underground hero and a great teacher.